Let's Read the 4e Monster Manual/Vault: Abyssal Eviscerator

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Abyssal Eviscerators first show up in 4th Edition in the Monster Manual 2, but since they’re also in the Monster Vault we’re getting to look at them a bit early.
The Lore
The name says it all, really. Abyssal Eviscerators come from the Abyss, and they like to eviscerate. At Int 7, they don’t know how to do much else, but then again they don’t want to. They frequently find themselves under the command of stronger demons, or summoned by mortal demonologists of middling skill and above.
The Numbers
Abyssal Eviscerators are Medium Elemental Humanoids (demons), and Level 14 Brutes with 173 HP. The MM2 and MV versions are identical aside from the fixed math. They have Speed 5, Variable Resistance 15 (2/encounter), and no special senses.
Their basic attack is a claw, and they can also Grab at-will for slightly less damage, an attack which obviously starts a grab if it hits. The MV version specifies the demon can only grab at most two creatures at once, which is sensible because it only has two large hands.
Abyssal Eviscerators can also bite grabbed targets as a minor action, doing 6 automatic damage to them. They can only do this once per round normally, but can do it up to 3 times per round while bloodied.
Final Impression
Nothing special here, really. These guys are basically paragon-tier evistros and should be used in the same way.