Let's Read the 4e Monster Manual/Vault: Vrock

This is part of a series! Go here to see the other entries.
Vrocks have been in D&D for a long time now. They look like humanoid buzzards, covered in dirty feathers and the occasional spike. A pair of functional wings sprouts from their back, and they have lizard tails. They’re on both the MM and the MV.
The Lore
Vrocks have Int 12 but that doesn’t see to do them any good. Vrocks are famously disloyal even among demons, betraying their current master as soon as someone they see as stronger comes around. They’ll also frequently plot to overthrow their superiors, though those schemes rarely amount to anything. In other words, Vrocks behave just like Starscream! I can totally see a band of them pledging loyalty to the PCs during an adventure, pinky-swearing they’ll turn good, and backstabbing them in the worst possible moment. The PCs ḱnow it’s coming, and the vrocks know the PCs know. How far can the PCs take this alliance before it falls apart?
Aside from plotting and backstabbing, vrocks like to engage in wholesome demonic pasttimes such as tearing people to pieces while laughing maniacally.
The Numbers
The MM Vrock is a Large Elemental Humanoid (demon), and a Level 13 Skirmisher with 132 HP. It has darkvision and variable resistance 10 (2/encounter). It flies with speed 8 and moves on land at speed 6.
Its basic attack is a Reach 2 claw, and they can make a Flyby Attack where they fly their speed and make a claw attack at any point along the way. This doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from the target of the claw.
They can also let loose a Stunning Screech that recharges on a 6, targets the Fortitude of everyone on a Close Burst 3 and stuns affected targets for a turn. This is not a selective attack, so the vrock’s allies can potentially be affected by it!
When first bloodied, the vrock emits a cloud of Spores of Madness in a Close Burst 2. This targets the Will of any non-demons in the area, does poison damage, and dazes (save ends). So I guess this is what they have instead of blood?
The MV Vrock loses its Stunning Screech and has fixed damage math, but is otherwise identical.
Final Impressions
I thought I was in for another bland rage machine, but what I got was Vulture Starscream! They’re nifty. I’m a bit divided on the removal of the Stunning Screech in the MV update. On the one hand stuns are rough, and non-selective area attacks are a pain for your teammates. On the other hand it captures the vrock’s Chronic Backstabbing Syndrome so well!