This page collects all the posts in my Neverwinter Campaign Setting reading.

Introduction and Chapter 1

A general overview of the setting and what the book is about.

Chapter 2

Character options!


The highlight of the chapter!

Warpriest Domains

Also pretty nice for those who use Essentials Clerics.

New Classes

Let’s Read Neverwinter: Bladesinger - Meh.

Chapter 3

All the various factions at play here, and what sort of opposition they can bring to fight the PCs.

Chapter 4

The Gazeteer, describing the actual setting.


The titular city gets a huge chunk of this chapter to itself.

Helm’s Hold

Helm’s Hold gets a section of its own, even though it’s small enough to cover in a single post.

Neverwinter Woods

Roughly half of the major and minor factions of the game have hideouts here, so the Woods are a pretty eventful place.


The lost dwarven capital is no myth. Its dangers are very real.


Neverwinter’s counterpart in the Shadowfell is central to the plots of both Thay and Netheril.


Player characters might find themselves having to visit Thay in order to stop the Red Wizards’ evil plans in Neverwinter.