The Wolf Runners were the last monster entry in the book, and after that there’s only a glossary index. So we’re done with this book!

And not only that, we’re also done with my big project of reading all of the main D&D 4th monster books. I remember I started it January 1st 2019, with the first posts going into an thread and appearing here shortly afterwards. So it took us a little over 4 years, 4 months, and 15 days to get it all done.

Writing all of this was an interesting experience. The idea for the project came at a time when I was having a bit of a hard time coming up with subjects for posts to this blog, mainly because I was getting anxious about writing good articles. I’d think of something, then I’d begin writing, and then I’d get blocked or mired in an endless round of revisions.

Writting commentary on D&D monsters, in contrast, felt extremely easy. I could sit down, cover a bunch of entries, and have them ready for a regular release schedule. Granted, I had a hard time sticking to any sort of schedule for most of the project’s runtime, but I think I did a pretty good job of it in Threats.

Most people who read these entries here in the blog were probably 4e fans instead of the usual GURPS crowd, unless they happened to follow my RSS feed directly or something like that. None of those posts had a GURPS tag, so they didn’t appear in the aggregator I’m a member of.

I still want to have a ready source of posts for Octopus Carnival, and I also really like the conversations I had in the threads for the project, so I’m going to begin a new Let’s Read. There’s voting going on in the thread for Threats, with the following candidates:

  • Neverwinter Campaign Setting for 4e. I have it, and I have opinions about it, so it’s a good subject.

  • Hell’s Rebels for Pathfinder, with commentary about converting it to other systems. Extremely convenient because I’ve already written a lot about it in this blog. Might also give me more incentive to actually finish the adventure path too.

  • Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: A large enough effort that I’d need to give it serious thought. It would probably not be a page-by-page affair, but it definitely merit the GURPS tag.

Check the thread linked above if you want to vote or comment on any of the entries. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the knowledge that there will soon be a new thing to occupy your usual Let’s Read slots.