Let's Read the 4e Monster Manual/Vault: Hook Horror

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Hook horrors definitely look like something that’s been around since AD&D. My first contact with them was in Neverwinter Nights, which used a model for them that was nearly identical to that of vrock demons. The chunky fellow above is quite different from those and much easier to tell apart. They’re only on the MM.
The Lore
Hook horrors are yet another example of predatory Underdark wildlife, adapted to hunt in total darkness by clinging to a cave ceiling and dropping on its victims. Unlike a lot of other Underdark wildlife we’ve seen so far, they’re Natural, not Aberrant, which means they evolved down there on their own instead of immigrating from the Far Realm.
Hook horrors are omnivorous, but prefer meat and are rumored to like drow meat more than other kinds. They live in total darkness and use echolocation to perceive their surroundings, though they have functional eyes to see in brighter environments. The clicking noises they make are also used for communication, and smart explorers can listen for those to see if hook horrors are nearby.
A group of hook horrors is called a “clan”, and is led by its strongest egg-laying female. It ranges widely in the Underdark, with its members forming smaller packs to hunt. Drow tend to kill adult hook horrors on sight and steal their eggs to raise the hatchlings as attack animals.
The Numbers
There’s only one stat block, so we’ll get right on it. Hook Horrors are Large Natural Beasts, and Level 13 Soldiers with 137 HP. They have Blindsight 10 to represent their echolocation, and a relatively slow ground speed 4. They can also climb at speed 4.
Their basic attack uses those hooked forelimbs, dealing damage and pulling the target 1 square on a hit. They can choose to attack twice at a -2 penalty to each attack, and if both hit they deal some extra damage and grab the target until escape. They can keep making hook attacks against grabbed victims, and can also bite them as a minor action (which does slightly less damage).
They can also use their hooks to Fling a target. The book doesn’t say whether this only works on a grabbed target or on anyone. It’s an attack vs. Fortitude that rercharges on a 6, does more damage than the basic hook attack, slides the target 3 squares, and knocks them prone.
I imagine you can make different hook horrors by giving them the same blindsight as this one and a few hook-based attacks that do different things.
Sample Encounters and Final Impressions
We have two:
Level 13, a balhannoth and 3 hook horrors. Looks like the ninja slug is opportunistically following the horrors around.
Level 13, a hook horror, 2 grimlock berserkers and 1 beholder eye of flame. A beholder and its retinue.
I’m indifferent to hook horrors. I suppose a large variety of Underdark predators is good, but since they all fulfill more or less the same dramatic role they tend to leave me cold.