Pathfinder Iconics in Dungeon Fantasy: Valeros
Welcome back to our series of conversions of Pathfinder’s Iconic Characters to GURPS Dungeon Fantasy! This is the sixth post in the series. Previous entries can be found here:
Today’s template is the Knight, which means that today’s character is Valeros. Here he is:

His character design is somewhat bland, and while his bio is one of the longest I’ve seen, it’s also one of the least spectacular so far. At least it’s better written than Lini’s, which was kind of confusing to parse. His official stats are here. From these we can learn the following:
Valeros is from the nation of Andoran, his world’s “18th century US” equivalent. He’s the typical farmboy who ran away from home and towards adventure.
He wears medium armor and fights with paired swords. He likes making lots of attacks on vulnerable enemy locations. He has a bow as a backup for ranged combat.
And… that’s pretty much it. Anything else I could say here would just be reiterating his biography, which I try to avoid doing too much in these writeups. The most unique thing about Valeros is that he likes to fight with two swords. The standard Knight template is more than enough to cover that, and unlike the d20 Fighter it actually lives up to its reputation as an effective combatant.
As you can see below, our version of Valeros wields two full-sized broadswords instead of a longsword/shortsword pair, because there’s no restriction preventing him from doing so in GURPS. The Two-Weapon Fighting power-up is from DF 11. He spent 2 of his character points in starting cash.
Valeros, 248-point Human Fighter
ST 16 {60}; DX 14 {80}; IQ 10 {0}; HT 13 {30}
Damage 1d+1/2d+2; BL 25,6kg; HP 16; Will 10; Per 10; FP 13; Basic Speed 6.75; Basic Move 6.
- Born War Leader 2 {10}
- Combat Refalexes {15}
- High Pain Threshold {10}
- Weapon Master (Broadsword) {20}
- Two-Weapon Fighting (Broadsword) {6}
- Code of Honor (Pirate’s) {-5}
- Compulsive Carousing (12) {-5}
- Lecherousness (12) {-15}
- Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) {-10}
- Armoury (Melee Weapons) (A) IQ {2} - 10
- Bow (A) DX+1 {4} - 15
- Brawling (E) DX+1 {2} - 15
- Broadsword (A) DX+6 {24} - 20
- Carousing (E) HT {1} - 13
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 13
- Connoisseur (Weapons) (A) IQ+1 {4} - 11
- Fast-Draw (Sword) (E) DX+1 {1}1 - 15
- Knife (E) DX {1} - 14
- Leadership (A) IQ+1 {1}2 - 11
- Shield (A) DX+2 {4} - 16
- Stealth (A) DX-1 {1} - 13
- Strategy (H) IQ+1 {2}2 - 11
- Tactics (H) IQ+1 {2}2 - 11
- Wrestling (A) DX {2} - 14
$2000.0, 28.48kg. Light Encumbrance.
- Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg.
- Mail Shirt [Torso]: DR 4/2*. $150, 8kg.
- Heavy Leather Leggings [Legs] DR 2. $60, 2kg.
- Heavy Leather Sleeves [Arms] DR 2. $50, 1kg.
- Boots [Feet]: DR 2*. $80, 1.5kg.
- Pot-Helm [Head]: DR 4. $100, 2.5kg.
- Arrows x12 [Quiver]: $24, 0.6kg.
- Shoulder Quiver [Torso]: Holds 12 arrows. $10, 0.25kg.
- Large Knife [Torso]: Damage sw-2 cut, thr imp. $40, 0.5kg.
- Regular Bow [Torso]: Damage thr+1 imp. $100, 1kg.
- Thrusting Broadsword x2 [Torso]: Damage sw+1 cut, thr+2 imp. $1200, 3kg.
- Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg.
- First Aid Kit [Backpack]: $50, 1kg.
- Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg.
- Rations x4 [Backpack]: $4, 1kg.
- Personal Basics [Backpack]: $5, 0.5kg.
- Waterskin [Backpack]: Holds 4L of liquid (4kg if water). $10, 0.13kg.
- Tankard [Backpack]: Holds 0.5L of liquid. $5, 0.25kg.
- Rope, 3/8” [Backpack]: Length: 10m. Supports 150kg. $5, 0.75kg.
- $27 in coin.