GURPS X-COM Play Reports
These are the notes and play reports for a GURPS campaign I GMed over the forum from the end of 2015 to the end of 2016. I consider it to be a success, as far as forum games go: tough it wasn’t finished for reasons explained below, the players had plenty of fun and I so did I. It consists of the following posts:
General Posts
GURPS X-COM: Noises in the Dark (a campaign post-mortem): A high level description of the campaign, what worked, what didn’t and why it ended.
GURPS X-COM: Campaign Setup: A more detailed description of the campaign setup, the choices given to the players there, and what the consequences of each were.
Play Reports
Operation BRUTAL ADVENT: Strike One’s inaugural operation, which took place in Germany.
First Research Phase: This both details the research system I used in the campaign and tells you how the first research phase went.
Operation DARK JUDAS: Strike One’s second operation, which took place in Brazil.
Second Research Phase: This details the second research phase and some of the game mechanics behind the things the players chose.
Supplementary Material
The Arsenal of Ruin, Part 1: GURPS Stats for the weapons employed by the enemies found in BRUTAL ADVENT!
The Arsenal of Ruin, Part 2: GURPS stats for the new equipment seen in DARK JUDAS.