Seelah the Paladin in Dungeon Fantasy
In this post I continue to write up the Pathfinder iconic characters for use in the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. Links to all of them will appear in the project page, which also contains links to the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy versions.
Today’s template is the Holy Warrior, which means today’s character is Seelah the Paladin. Here she is:

Cool, huh? She’s my second favorite design so far, losing only to Kyra (Lini is a close third). Her bio, however, is by far the best. It’s quite tragic, but seems to hit a good balance between “biblical” and “Arthurian”. Her official stats are here. From these we can learn the following:
Seelah is a paladin of Iomedae the Inheritor, a Lawful Good deity of justice and protection. She wears heavy armor and fights with sword and shield, with a bow kept in reserve.
She has the usual varied suite of paladin powers, the ones most emphasized are her fearlessness, her ability to smite evil, and her healing hands, in that order.
While Seelah goes after all manner of evil foes, she fights fiends and evil dragons with particular fervor.
Given Iomedae’s description as the goddess of justice and valor, the Holy Warrior template fits her quite well. This Seelah has almost all of the abilities of a standard D&D Paladin. She lacks a “Lay on Hands” ability because its DFRPG equivalent, Faith Healing, is quite expensive. However, she’s still absolutely fearless, supernaturally resistant to disease, can channel divine might to enhance her strength, and is particularly adept at fighting demons.
Seelah, 248-point Holy Warrior
ST 13 {30}; DX 13 {60}; IQ 12 {40}; HT 13 {30}.
Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 16.9kg; HP 13; Will 14 {10}; Per 12; FP 13; Basic Speed 6.00 {-10}; Basic Move 6.
Dodge 7 (9); Parry (Broadsword) 11 (13); Block 11 (13).
- Born War Leader 1 {5}
- Detect Evil {18}
- Enhanced Parry (Broadsword) 1 {5}
- Heroic Might 1 {9}
- Higher Purpose (Slay Demons) 1 {5}
- Holiness 2 {10}
- Resistant to Disease 3 {3}
- Rest in Pieces {1}
- Unfazeable {15}
- Charitable (12) {-15}
- Compulsive Generosity (12) {-5}
- Honesty (12) {-10}
- Selfless (12) {-5}
- Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) {-5}
- Bow (A) DX+1 {4} - 14
- Brawling (E) DX+1 {2} - 14
- Broadsword (A) DX+3 {12} - 16
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 12
- Diplomacy (H) IQ {4} - 12
- Esoteric Medicine (Holy) (H) Per-2 {1} - 10
- Exorcism (H) Will {4} - 14
- Fast-Draw (Sword) (E) DX {1} - 13
- First Aid (E) IQ {1} - 12
- Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ {2} - 12
- Intimidation (A) Will-1 {1} - 13
- Leadership (A) IQ {1}1 - 12
- Medidation (H) Will-2 {1} - 12
- Physiology (Demons) (H) IQ-1 {2} - 11
- Religious Ritual (H) IQ {1} - 10
- Riding (Horse) (A) DX-1 {1} - 12
- Shield (E) DX+3 {8} - 16
- Stealth (A) DX-1 {1} - 12
- Strategy (H) IQ {2}1 - 12
- Tactics (H) IQ {2}1 - 12
- Theology (H) IQ-2 {1} - 10
- Wrestling (A) DX+1 {4} - 14
$1698, 40.78kg. Medium Encumbrance.
- Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg.
- Light Scale Armor [Torso]: DR 3/2. $336, 8.4kg
- Heavy Cloth Leggings [Legs]: DR 2. $112, 4.5kg.
- Heavy Cloth Sleeves [Arms]: DR 2. $75, 3kg.
- Heavy Leather Boots [Feet]: DR 2. $52, 2.1kg.
- Light Leather Gloves [Hands]: DR 1. $5, 0.3kg.
- Segmented Plate Helmet [Head]: DR 4. $225, 3kg.
- Shoulder Quiver [Torso]: Holds up to 12 arrows. $10, 0.25kg.
- Arrows x 12 [Quiver]: $24, 0.6kg.
- Medium Shield [Torso]: DB 2. $60, 7.5kg.
- Regular Bow [Torso]: Damage 1d+1 imp; Acc 2; Range 195/260. $100,
- Broadsword [Torso]: Damage 2d cut or 1d+2 imp; Reach 1. $600, 1,5kg.
- Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg.
- Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg.
- Rations x4 [Backpack]: $4, 1kg.
- Personal Basics [Backpack]: $5, 0.5kg.
- Waterskin [Backpack]: Holds 4L of liquid (4kg if water). $10, 0.13kg.
- $302 in coin.
What Changed From Last Iteration
Seelah was almost the opposite of Lini, in that pretty much nothing changed point-wise between the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy and DFRPG versions. All the skills and abilities she has exist in the boxed set and work pretty much the same. The skills of this version are slightly different, but that was a personal decision rather than having to work around something that was missing from the books.
Her gear is the biggest change here, but even this was generally for the better. While her armor has a bit less DR than in the first version, the overall loadout is much lighter, leaving her at Medium Encumbrance instead of Heavy.