Kyra the Cleric in Dungeon Fantasy
In this post I continue to write up the Pathfinder iconic characters for use in the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. Links to all of them will appear in the project page, which also contains links to the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy versions. Also, I wish the names of the two versions were a bit less similar.
Today’s template is the Cleric, which means today’s star is Kyra. Here she is:

Kyra’s character design is among my favorite from the Pathfinder iconics. You can find her full bio here, and her original Pathfinder stats here. From looking at them we can see the following:
Kyra is from Qadira, her world’s Persia/Arabia equivalent. She’s the sole survivor from a bandit raid on her farming village.
Kyra is a cleric of Sarenrae, the goddess of healing, redemption, honesty, and the sun. She teaches her devotees to always seek to redeem those who follow the path of evil, and to destroy them if that proves impossible.
She wields a scimitar, her deity’s favored weapon. Her cleric spells generally have a “light, fire and healing” theme, and she possesses the typical D&D cleric ability to turn undead.
The original version used the modified Sun Cleric template from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics, but here we have no choice but to go with the basic Cleric template from the DFRPG boxed set. That’s not a bad thing, however! It turns out that the Cleric spell list has been tweaked to include a bit more righteous burnination, so it ends up being quite close to that of the Sun Cleric.
Kyra, 249-point Human Cleric
ST 13 {30}; DX 12 {40}; IQ 14 {80}; HT 12 {20}
Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 16.9kg; HP 13; Will 14; Per 14; FP 12; Basic Speed 6.00; Basic Move 6.
Dodge 8; Parry 10 (scimitar).
- Clerical Investment {5}
- Power Investiture 4 {40}
- Turning {24}
- Resist Evil 1 {1}
- Charitable (12) {-15}
- Fanaticism (Sarenrae) {-15}
- Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) {-5}
- Truthfulness (12) {-5}
- Vow (Always attempt redemption before violence) {-10}
- Broadsword (A) DX+3 {12} - 15
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 11
- Diagnosis (H) IQ-1 {1} - 12
- Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 {2} - 13
- Esoteric Medicine (Holy) (H) Per {4} - 14
- Exorcism (H) Will {4} - 14
- First Aid (E) IQ {1} - 14
- Hidden Lore (Undead) (A) IQ-1 {1} - 13
- Innate Attack (Projectile) (A) DX+2 {4} - 14
- Meditation (H) Will-2 {1} - 12
- Occultism (A) IQ-1 {1} - 13
- Public Speaking (A) IQ-1 {1} - 13
- Religious Ritual (H) IQ-2 {1} - 12
- Riding (Horse) (A) DX-1 {1} - 11
- Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ {1} - 14
- Surgery (VH) IQ-2 {2} - 12
- Teaching (A) IQ-1 {1} - 13
- Theology (H) IQ-2 {1} - 12
All get +4 from Power Investiture.
- Fire:
- Flaming Weapon (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Resist Fire (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Resist Cold (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Healing:
- Cleansing (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Cure Disease (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Major Healing (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Minor Healing (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Recover Energy (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Resist Disease (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Resist Poison (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Knowledge:
- See Secrets (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Light and Darkness:
- Continual Light (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Glow (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Light (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Sunbolt (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Sunlight (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Meta-Spells:
- Dispel Magic (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Protection and Warning:
- Armor (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
- Shield (A) IQ+2 {1} - 16
$1250.0, 26.63kg. Light Encumbrance.
- Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg.
- Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg.
- Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg.
- First Aid Kit [Backpack]: $50, 1kg.
- Heavy Cloth Armor [Head, Torso, Limbs]: DR 2. $450, 18kg.
- Holy Symboo [Torso]: $50, 0.5kg.
- Personal Basics [Backpack]: $5, 0.5kg.
- Rations x2 [Backpack]: $5, 0.5kg
- Scimitar [Torso]: As broadsword. Damage 2d cut or 1d+1 imp; Reach 1. $600, 1.5kg.
- Waterskin [Backpack]: Holds 4L of liquid (4kg if water). $10, 0.13kg.
- $250 in coin.
Design Notes
Kyra spent 1 point in extra starting cash to afford the scimitar (which has the same stats as a broadsword). Her mandatory “holy” disadvantage is the Vow, which means she must always offer enemies a chance to surrender and repent, and only fight those who refuse. This is about as inconvenient as the Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) disadvantage from the GURPS Basic Set, and so is worth the same.
She also has the Diplomacy and Riding (Horse) skills, which make sense for her and are in the rules despite not being on the template.
Changes from the First Iteration
The Psychic Guidance perk doesn’t exist in the boxed set, so it was replaced by 1 level of Resist Evil and she had to spend points on Innate Attack for her Sunbolt spell. And while Kyra was indeed able to keep most of her spell list she still had to trade Ignite Fire (which is not on the list) and Continual Sunlight (which is not in the box at all) for Resist Cold and Glow, respectively.
Kyra’s armor loadout also changed significantly, since mail is much more expensive when using the rules from the boxed set. She also lost the bow and arrows, relying on Sunbolts for ranged attacks.