Amiri the Barbarian in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG
As I explained in my previous post, now that the DFRPG has been published and is nearly available for sale, I’m redoing my set of Pathfinder Iconics. Since the professional templates names haven’t changed, Amiri the Barbarian is once again our first subject. We’ll repeat the summary of her bio with the link to the full d20 stats so you don’t need to read both articles to understand the character. If you’re curious, you can see a link to the old article at the end of this one, along with a discussion on what changed from one to the other.

Amiri’s full official bio and character sheet can be found here. Judging from those, we can glean a few facts about her:
Amiri is good at outdoor survival in cold climates, since she returned from a “suicide” scouting mission.
Amiri is of normal human size, but fights with an oversized sword that used to belong to a frost giant.
She’s fiercely competitive and doesn’t like being outdone at barbarian heroing.
She relies a lot on the d20 Barbarian Rage power when fighting, and might get angry enought to lose her mind. In other words, the purpose of Amiri is to flip out and kill people.
Here’s what she looks like in the new rules:
Amiri, 248-Point Human Barbarian
ST 19 {90}; DX 13 {60}; IQ 10 {0}; HT 13 {30}.
Damage 2d-1/3d+1; BL 36kg; HP 24 {10}; Will 10 {0}; Per 12 {10}; FP 13 {0}; Basic Speed 6 {-10}; Basic Move 6.
Dodge 9; Parry 12 (Greatsword);
- High Pain Threshold {10}
- Outdoorsman 4 {40}
- Berserk (12) {-10}
- Impulsiveness (12) {-10}
- Odious Personal Habit (Overly Competitive) {-5}
- Overconfidence (12) {-5}
- Social Stigma (Minority Group) {-10}
- Animal Handling (Mammoths) (A) IQ-1 {1} - 9
- Bow (A) DX+1 {4} - 14
- Brawling (E) DX {1} - 13
- Camouflage (E) IQ+4 {1}1 - 14
- Carousing (E) HT {1} - 13
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 12
- Disguise (Animals) (A) IQ+3 {1}1 - 13
- First Aid (E) IQ {1} - 10
- Fishing (E) Per+4 {1}1 - 16
- Hiking (A) HT-1 {1} - 12
- Intimidation (A) Will {2} - 10
- Mimicry (Animal Sounds) (H) IQ+2 {1}1 - 12
- Naturalist (H) IQ+2 {1}1 - 12
- Navigation (A) IQ+4 {1}1 - 13
- Running (A) HT-1 {1} - 12
- Stealth (A) DX {2} - 13
- Survival (Mountains) (A) Per+3 {1}1 - 15
- Swimming (E) HT {1} - 13
- Tracking (A) Per+3 {1}1 - 15
- Two-Handed Sword (A) DX+5 {20} - 18
- Weather Sense (A) IQ+4 {2}1 - 14
- Wrestling (A) DX {2} - 13
$1793, 38.85kg. No Encumbrance.
- Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg.
- Greatsword [Torso]: Damage 3d+4 cut (Reach 1,2) or 2d+2 imp (Reach 2). $900, 3.5kg.
- Regular Bow (ST 19) [Torso]: Damage 2d imp, Acc 2, Range 285/380, Bulk -7. $100, 1kg.
- Hip Quiver [Torso]: Holds 20 arrows. $15, 0.5kg.
- 20 arrows [Quiver]: $40, 1kg.
- Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg.
- Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg.
- Personal Basics [Backpack]: $5, 0.5kg.
- Rope, 3/8”, 10m [Backpack]: Supports 150kg. $5, 0.75kg.
- Rations x4 [Backpack]: $8, 1kg.
- Shovel [Backpack]: $12, 3kg.
- Armor Suit [Torso, Limbs, Head]: Light Scale (DR 3/2) on Torso, Heavy Leather (DR 2) everywhere else. $628, 20.1kg.
- $207 in coin.
Design Notes
Amiri spent 2 points on extra starting cash to buy the big sword.
Changes from the First Iteration
You can see her GURPS Dungeon Fantasy version here. Like in the previous iteration, Amiri is still pretty faithful to her bio and original stats, but some things had to change to fit the DFRPG ruleset.
The biggest one that the Great Rage powerup does not exist in the boxed set, so she can’t have it here. The 20 points it cost instead went to buy 2 more points of ST, which turned out to be a pretty good compromise! The new Amiri might not be quite as strong as the old one while her Rage was on, but she’s stronger at all other times and doesn’t need to worry about keeping track of rage-induced Fatigue.
Another noticeable change is that her giant sword is slightly smaller here, as there are no rules for oversized weapons in the boxed set. This ends up working in her favor, as the new weapon is much cheaper and lighter while doing only one less point of damage (the loss of which is compensated by her higher ST). In the end, we can just say it was a giant’s shortsword instead of a giant’s broadsword and call it a day.
And while we’re speaking of equipment, you might notice her armor is significantly different now. It was built using the GURPS Low-Tech-inspired rules from the boxed set. Torso and head DR are lower, but now her limbs are covered. This is roughly equivalent to the hide armor listed in the d20 stats, so I’m happy.